uk [ru]

To the Senator John Sidney McCaine

To the Senator John Sidney McCaine
Dear sir!
For some reason we decided to address this letter to you, a politician from the far away America, even not quite understanding in our mind, why it should be exactly you. But the soul feels that we are writing to the right addressee and we believe – you can give a wise answer and help our country and our leader Mrs.Julia Timoshenko.
            We cannot put up and live happily with the fact that Mrs. Julia Timoshenko, whom you know well, for a long time is being terrorized by the criminal dictatorship of Yanukovich, who has encroached the power in Ukraine. She was thrown into the prison without the proofs of her guilt, only by the dictator’s despotism. This depressive feeling has occupied our own souls, as well as the souls of millions of people in our country, who voted for, and even didn’t vote for Mrs. Julia Timoshenko at the presidential elections in 2010.
            We know you as a prominent fighter for freedom and democracy, we know very few of such people, who so courageously were going through the severe tortures during 5.5 years of imprisonment in the communist concentration camps of  Vietnamese war, we admire your unprecedented fortitude, when the executioners were torturing you, breaking your bones, but you stood out and didn’t collaborate with the communist zealots, refusing to go out of prison prior to your friends are released, you didn’t betray any of your comrades-in-arms. You stayed in this hell for many years.
            Your courageousness serves as an example not only for the American people, but we also tell our children and grandchildren about Mr. John McCain, who suffered and stood out in order that they were free people, and they admire your heroism.
            We also value the heroism of your father and grandfather, the US naval Admirals, who, together with our fathers and grandfathers during the WW-II fought freedom and independence for the whole world.
It is bitter to realize, but each day this dictatorship takes away a part of freedom from us, the Ukrainians. The ministers of the dictatorship, whose roots derived from NKVD, GULAG, and KGB, they grab this tiny woman Julia Timoshenko, absolutely lawlessly arrest her and arrange a trial against her, the trial, that has nothing to do with justice and law, they refused to provide her with advocating and keeping to the human rights according to the international Conventions ratified by Ukraine. You probably know, Senator that no witnesses were allowed to this trial, who could prove Mrs. Julia Timoshenko’s innocence, as well as the documents were not accepted by the court without giving any reasons for it. The Prosecution Investigators and the so called “Judge” were openly breaking the universal Convention of human rights and refused to accept from Mrs. Julia Timoshenko’s defence the expertise documents, but included their fake expertises, fabricated under the guidance and participation of the Prosecutors. It even came to the accepting the so called “proofs” signed by the Prosecution Department on the 31 of April, i.e. non-existing date.
            No arguments from the defence, that Mrs. Julia Timoshenko has never signed the agreement, as a result of which the country seemingly suffered losses, were accepted. In the materials there is no original document stating that Julia Timoshenko gave the order to the Head of the national company NAFTOGAZ, which apropos, didn’t obligate him to sign any agreements with the Russian GAZPROM. The Prosecution didn’t present a single fact to confirm that Julia Timoshenko had a personal or a corporate profit from the gas supply renewal in winter 2009, and were not considered the losses caused by the breach of negotiations (by order of President Iushchenko) between Naftogaz and Gasprom, when the Russians disconnected the gas supply to Ukraine and Europe almost for three weeks.
            In Ukrainian courts now they practically liquidated the institute of defence and advocacy. Not a single motion for Mrs. Julia Timoshenko’s advocacy, (there were scores of them) were not met by the judges, though all of these pleas were (in absolute quantity) legitimate and logically grounded.  All the breaches of the rights of the defendant were collected by Mrs. Julia Timoshenko’s advocating lawyers and documented  by The  European Court of Human Rights  of Ukrainian Helsinki group. The European Union Ambassador in Ukraine knows about this as well as the Ambassador of U.S.A. in Ukraine and the Ambassadors of European countries.
            And even more than that, our juridical figures turned upside down the whole world of justice, when they, dressed in mantles, together with the Prosecutors, came into the prison hospital to the bed-ridden Mrs. Julia Timoshenko and for 12 hours running were conducting a so called “court session”, and then they again adjudicated an arrest of the woman, who was already under arrest, and accused her for non-payment tax 15 years ago, when she was the head of the EESU. This was done in spite of the fact that two sessions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, of about 50 judges of highest Ukrainian rank in 2005 decided to close all the cases opened earlier during the presidency of Mr.L. Kuchma. But for the dictator, who has usurped the power in the country the Supreme Court means nothing.
            We want to remind you that in 2004 in California the District court of USA together with the case of Mr.Pavel Lazarenko, dealt with the case of a private company EESU, directed by Mrs. Julia Timoshenko up to 1996: and the Judge Mr.Martin Dempkins gave the verdict that Julia Timoshenko and the staff of EESU did not commit any crimes at the territory of USA and in Ukraine. In accordance with the Convention on recognition of the verdict of the two countries, signed by the Governments of the USA and Ukraine, and this USA judgement is valid in Ukraine as well. But the Ukrainian Themis pretended that this lawful decision doesn’t exist, and they defy even such basic concepts as terms of limitation of the legal fault. The term of limitation for the alleged faults incriminated to Julia Timoshenko by the dictator, has expired long time ago. Is it possible, that the Convention doesn’t work between USA and Ukraine and we don’t know about it?
            The dictator Mr.Victor Yanukovich knows it, but it is him, who directs and organizes this lawlessness. At the same time dictator Mr.Yanukovich hypocritically states, that he would gladly release the innocent Mrs. Julia Timoshenko, but he cannot do anything against the roughs   from General Prosecution, who have made up the case, he can do nothing to the judge of the district court, who has opened these illicit cases and, on the demand of the prosecutors, they unlawfully condemned her for 7 years of imprisonment, allegedly for the Prime Minister’s “excess of power”. Mr. Yanukovich pretended he was at a loss before the appellate court of Kiev, which left this verdict valid.
            For the development of democracy in Ukraine the USA within the last 20 years have allocated financial support of millions dollars to the governments and organizations, and at the same time taught how to guarantee true jurisdiction. The Americans have shown how our rights should be guaranteed by the Ukrainian President. But the dictator doesn’t want to know about it. He doesn’t want to learn from the European colleagues, who, having left aside the language of diplomacy, tell him straight into his face that in the case with Mrs. Julia Timoshenko he acts as a liar and a tyrant.
            We know that not once you addressed the Ukrainian powers and demanded a fair judgement, open and honest procedures. You were ready to bail Julia Timoshenko. We all know about it and appreciate it very much.
            We know that once you looked into the eyes of  President Putin and said, “KGB. The precise essence of this organization is – deceitful, cruel and godless system”. You know what KGB means, when you were tortured in Vietnam by the teachers and the pupils of this school. We wish you could look into the eyes of the dictator Mr.Yanukovich and tell him, what you see in them.
            Now back to the point of the question. Mrs. Julia Timoshenko was sentenced to 7 years of prison, and not due to some falsifications, but through a total deception and impudent criminal actions of the crime investigators, prosecutors and judges directed by the dictator. Alas, now there is no force in Ukraine to stop this lawlessness. Our street protests are being suppressed, the activists of the opposition are persecuted, but people in power wouldn’t listen and hear us.
            The Timoshenko’s advocates are transferring the case (by parts) into the European court for human rights, and undoubtedly, this case will win. But here people say that Mr.Yanukovich, as a person formerly twice accused for robbery and abuse, blows on all the European Courts just as he blew on the EU leaders’ condition for entering the associate members was to release Mrs. Julia Timoshenko from prison. He will not carry out the authorization of the European human rights court. We are trying all the methods to expound to our fellow-citizens, that there were no precedents for tens of years, when someone disobeyed the decisions of the European court. But the people say, “there were none, but now there will be”. The dictator puts his perverted desires on the first place, but not the law and justice.
            We do not want to think, that you, the Americans, will leave the Ukraine face to face with the dictatorship after so many years of efforts to pull the Ukraine out of communist morass and having spent about a billion dollars on it. We don’t believe that America will leave us face to face with the dictatorship – so that to revive the neo-totalitarian KGB regime of persecuting people with no trial, no record.
            Dear Senator, we ask you as one of the most authoritative  influential politicians of your country, if it is in your power, to undertake everything, so that the dictator Mr.Yanukovich and his minions could feel not only verbal declaim, not only concernment of the USA Government and the State Department about the situation with human rights in Ukraine, with the condition of justice, but also some specific action be undertaken, like blocking and arresting the bank accounts of Yanukovich and his family members, as well as the accounts of the members of dictator’s junta – in the banks of your country, so that the dictator and his family together with their partners-in-crime had no access to the USA.
            And, the main thing – we wish you and your big family a Happy 2012 Year! May we all be in good health, which we consider, is most important for you and us as well, as well as for our opposition leader Mrs. Julia Timoshenko.

With our deep respect and friendly feelings to you
Ordinary Ukrainian citizens and friends of the United States:
. Sztojka Sandor –Stoyka Alexandr , Kyiv, Ukraine-Hungary
2. Marchenko Vsevolod , Iljichivsk, Ukraine
3. Ivanovna, Ukraine
4. Volodimir Stepanjuk, Sardinia , Italy
5. Bohatska Edit Leonidivna , Kyiv
6. Kovalenko Alla Alekseevna., Kyiv state
7. Oleg Djatlov, Krivoj Rog, Ukraine
8. Bessonov V. P., Harkov, Ukraine
9. Elena van Hooff, Nederland , Eindhoven
10. Chistyakova Nanalja, Kyiv, Ukraine
11. Oksana Repinskaya , Ukraine
12. Maksimenko Ljudmila Borisovna ,Odessa, Ukraine
13.Jurij Chajka, Kyiv, Ukraine
14. Leonid Skripnik , Odessa , Ukraine
15. Agata Galinsky, Kyiv, Ukraine
16. Haloperidol ,  Ukraine
17. rezerv Kyiv, Ukraine
18. radial Kyiv, Ukraine
19. Yark , Kyiv, Ukrain
20. PiligrimK,  Ukraine
21. LOADING , Ukraine
22. Nina Solomyane, Ukraine
23. Pirk, Ukraine
24 Blik, Kyiv, Ukraine
25. Ingame, Ukraine
26. Sotnik Gamalie, Ukraine
27. Lorenc Alexandr, Odessa, Ukraine
28. taniko, Ukraine
29. Tolochko Grigorij Leonidovich, Kyiv, Ukraine
30. Otto, Ukraine
31. I_B,Ukraine
32.deddon, Ukraine
33. deimos , Ukraine
34. itar, Ukraine
35. BBoduvantsik, Ukraine
36. Anastasia, Ukraine
37. Oleksandr Jerjomenko, Kyiv, Ukraine
38. gato ,  Ukraine
39. Zay_ac, Kyiv, Ukraine
40. Petrovich , Ukraine
41. Lentsuk,  Ukraine
42. Zelenjar, Zaporozsje, Ukraine
43. Vb-1 ,  Ukraine
44. pinocoladaL Kyiv, Ukraine
45.mastert ,  Ukraine
46. Andy ms,  Ukraine
47. SV. , Ukraine
48. Irina Osnach, Kyiv, Ukraine
49. Andrey Shchesniak, Ukraine
50. Vasil Mejsaros,  Ukraine
51. Kaplichenko Alexandr, Kyiv, Ukraine
52. Chuvalovskaja Alla, Kyiv, Ukraine
53. Joseph Korpsak , USA
54. Ivan Soloshenko, Perth, Australia
55.Boris Spodenyuk, Odessa
56. Vira Turchyn
57. Stephan Sim
58. Svetlana Glazkova
59. Natalia Morozova
60. Serg Kiev
61. Vjacheslav Avramchuk
62. Andrij Pavlovskij
63. Alla Chula
64. Oleg Kovalj
65. Galina Vogt
66. Denis Bigunov
67. John Hungar
68. Oleksandr Oleksandrovich
69. Miroshnichenko Nina
70. Gennady Kanishchenko
71. Ljubov Metelj
72. Bogdan Steiner
73. Irina Kalinina
74. Oleg Vojtenko
75. Viktor Kaveckij
76. Vitalij Slinyko
77. Svitlana Kocherga
78. Ninulja Pol
79. Sergej Krekotun
80. Mikola Jerjomenko
81. Anatolii Gurkaliuk
82 Ljudmila Est
83. Svitlana Goncharenko
84. Galina Garaschenko
85 Orest Skljar
86. Oljga Jakubovskaja
87. Valen Krest
88. Stanislav Karnatsevych
89. Igor Zarechansky
90. Marianna Antonjuk
91.Elena Antonova
92. Svjatoslav-Andrij Grushevskij
93. Valerij Terzi
94. Irina Sevchenko
95. Pantelis Alexopoulos
96. Valentina Geta
97. Zorjan Skirjak
98. Jelena Karpova
99. Sergey Tarasov
100. Irene Mark
101. Oleksandr Danjkov
102. Vitalij Umanjec
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